Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nakul Kakkar

1 comment:

  1. I have been studying the culture of China, Japan and Europe.
    I'm studying the Japanese culture under the aegis of Dr. Nancy Buchan. So far I've gone through "MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy by Chalmers A. Johnson and Ruth Benedict's "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture". The first book helped me critically examined Paul Krugman's article "The Myth of Asia's Miracle".
    The second book aided in getting a holistic understanding of the articles “The Silent Language in Overseas Business” and “Key Concepts: Underlying Structures of Culture” both by Edward Hall.

    Yesterday again it was Japan's turn. The Harvard Business School case of Mr. Hiroshi Tsukakoshi's Ina Foods was on the list. We in our class discussed the management philosophies of Mr. Tsukakoshi. Ina Foods is presented as a kind of organization which all in the business world fantasize about. But Mr. Tsukakoshi philosophies make it appear practical. We discussed about how his philosophy is influenced by the Japanese culture and to what extent is it his own.
    In such an organization there are bound to be problems should the company ever transfer ownership. So we also tried to asses the ease or difficulty of transferring Tsukakoshi's management style in such a case.

    Then we moved on to watching a DVD on Toyota’s Drive to the Top. Toyota appears to be a god of operations. The video was mostly focussed on how the shop-floor operations are carried out, improved upon and how the training is imparted to the employees. It also threw a light on how Toyota implements the Kaizen ("continuous improvement") philosophy. Then under the guidance of Dr. Buchan we compared and contrasted the two management styles- Toyota and INA Foods-, and discussed the implications of company growth and the intricacies of transferring management philosophy.
    No wonder I dreamt of INA's and Toyota's yesternight.
    Now tomorrow we'd delve into Nippon Vicks case. What it is I still don't know. Now I'll start with it...
    I have to write a lot about China and Europe but time constraints... :-( ... no problem I'll visit them later...:-)
